10am Sunday Service
This is a special time when PEOPLE OF ALL AGES come together to praise and worship God on Sunday mornings.
Our intention is that our Sunday morning reflects our vision to become a community of people who are fully committed to Jesus, actively sharing His love and serving others.
What can you expect?
First, know you can come as you are. The service includes a biblical teaching and and a combination of singing, multi-media, and prayer. We celebrate Communion together. After the service it is not uncommon to find people gathering around the Cafe and tea stations to discuss life and service.
If this is your first time with us, be sure to stop by the Info desk and say hi, take advantage of a free coffee at our Cafe, and fill out a Connect card.
Creche is available on Sunday Mornings. Learn more...
The Sunday morning children's programmes are a Bible based lesson, while having a great time in a safe, friendly kid-centred environment, with their peers and teachers. To learn more about the variety of options for your kids on Sunday and throughout the week here: Children's Ministries.
Youth are invited to join us in the services on Sunday and we would love to have them join us throughout the week. Learn more...
6pm Sunday Service
What does a typical service look like?
Night Church is designed to give you an opportunity to take a step away from your everyday work week and into a time of reflection, worship and prayer to God.
Worship begins at 6:00pm, usually with a set of contemporary worship led by a passionate team of musicians and worship leaders. A teacher will bring a Bible-based message that will both challenge and teach you a little bit more about God and how we fit in His story. We celebrate communion fortnightly and are given a weekly opportunity to give financially through an offering.
The service is followed by an opportunity to chat and meet new people over hot chocolate in the Crossroads Cafe
Want to come, but would like to connect with someone first?
It's brave but not easy to go to new places alone. If you would like to connect with someone first, shoot us an email and we will get you in touch.