Parenting is the most wonder-filled, exhilarating, fun, challenging, frustrating, humbling, beautiful, messy, scary, annoying, fabulous and joyous thing you can be part of. There’s times we wish for a formula to follow, a method that would always work, an easy answer...because none of us want to mess this up. We’ve never loved anyone in the way we love our child. Sometimes we look back, back to how we were parented (is that even a word?). Sometimes our experience has been good, sometimes not so good. We look out, and there are so many voices out there - anyone with a blog and a keyboard tells us what we should be doing. And we look in, looking for instincts, and often find they are flawed or not sure we can trust even ourselves. As young parents we were blessed to find that looking up, looking to God’s Word was the beginning of wisdom, and we were blessed to have others walk beside and ahead of us. We’ve learned that our parenting journey needed more than just our wisdom, just our resources, just our skills and gifts. We are preparing to share what we have learned along the way and would love for you to join us.