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Final GIRLS RALLY for 2021

It is the final gathering together for Girls Rally for 2021. We are so looking forward to celebrating with you and your family. 
As this will be a bigger event than normal for Girls Rally and as you know due to the current level 2 restrictions, we are limited to 100 people for this event.  So we will need you to register.

We require you to register for this event, and when you arrive you will need to scan in using the tracer app and check-in at the info desk.

You are able to sit next to people that you know, but please observe the 1m distance from people that you do not know.

Registrations will close on Monday 12 Oçlock or when we have reached capacity.

Thank you for your co-operation with this.

What is Girls Rally all about?

Girls Rally is a high energy, stimulating programme for girls between 7-12 years-old where they learn life skills and how God fits into the picture of their lives.

Rally happens every second Tuesday night 6.15pm-8:00pm at Crossroads throughout the school term.

Girl's Rally is part of an international organisation that began in New Zealand. If you want to know more please feel free to contact us here.

November 28

Who We Are Series 9am | 11am | 7pm

December 3